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Seminar Agency between Biology and Philosophy. First session report and upcoming sessions

Mathilde Tahar

Dernière mise à jour : 12 janv.

Our first seminar session took place on December 5th, and we’re excited to share the outcomes and plans for the next sessions.

Fore more information about the seminar, click here.

Next Sessions

The seminar series will continue on the second Thursday of each month, from 5pm to 6pm (UK time).

Upcoming dates: 

  • 9 January: Session on the diverse uses of the concept of agency (session led by Stella Sandford).

  • 13 February: Session on the diverse levels of agency (session led by David Spurrett).

  • 13 March : Session on semiotic agency, focussed on 1. the link between the concept of organism and the concept of agency ; 2. the biosemiotic of agency (session led by Alexei Sharov).

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 948 4533 2305

Session Format

Each session will be structured as follows:

  1. A 15–20-minute presentation, introducing a conceptual or empirical challenge related to agency.

  2. A 40–45-minute discussion, aimed at collaboratively exploring the topic.

Note: The goal is not to present “finalised” research or results, but to foster a shared reflection on the conceptual and empirical challenges surrounding the concept of agency.


The following topics will guide our discussions throughout the series (not necessarily in this order):

  1. Autonomy

    • How do we define autonomy?

    • Does it imply moral obligations? Are agents moral agents and/or moral recipients?

  2. Choice, Decision-Making, and Intentionality

    • What does it mean for a nonhuman animal to have a choice or the ability to make decisions?

    • Is choice necessarily linked to intentionality?

    • How can choice or intentionality be recognised through behaviours?

    • How can we integrate these ideas into methods and experiments?

    • How can we avoid anthropomorphism?

  3. Niche Construction and Effects on Ecology/Evolution

    • What makes a living system an “evolutionary” or “ecological” agent?

    • Are all living systems or organisms agents?

  4. Levels and Degrees/Forms of Agency

    • Are there multiple levels of agency?

    • Are there degrees of agency

    • Are there distinct forms of agency? Do these depend on the entity (e.g., cell vs organism) or the field studying it (e.g., social vs biological agency)?

  5. Studying Agency Without Manipulating It

    • How can we study agency ethically, and when is manipulation/human interference justified or not?

  6. Agency and Animal Welfare

    • How can agency considerations be integrated into welfare practices?

  7. The Conceptual Role of Agency

    • What role does the concept of agency play in research?

Join Us

If you’re interested in joining the mailing list, accessing our shared Google Drive, or learning more about the seminar, please email:

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